kraken technology
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GoAR Global (PT. AR Indonesia) is a company
engaged in innovation technology,
especially augmented reality and virtual reality.

Our Service
future entertainment 3d grifin

XRGIS is a platform to visualize and transform raw data in BIM and GIS fields into an Augmented Reality (AR) visual. This platform is compatible to aggregate around 35 traditional data types from multiple sources to become a unified AR view. Such as file from Autodesk AutoCAD, SketchUp, Minescape, Surpac, etc. XRGIS can also link directly into your data source through the vendor-provided APIs to establish real-time connectivity that doesn’t require any manual work. XRGIS is hardware-agnostic. XRGIS can run on any suitable device, including Android and iOS phones and tablets, Google Virtual Reality, Hololens Oculus, which allows you to select the optimal tools for the job. XRGIS is designed for users the best of both worlds: survey-grade accuracy and the ability to use the system on consumer-grade devices without any additional hardware. The system comes with multiple calibration methods that allow indoor and outdoor positioning.

Augmented Reality IPA Augmented Reality edukasi IPA
Menggambar dan mewarnai adalah salah satu aktifitas yang paling digemari oleh anak-anak, selain membuat hati mereka senang, kegiatan menggambar memiliki dampak positif untuk mengembangkan kreativitas anak. Dengan buku “We Ar The Ocean ” dari serial bahari, dan dengan menggunakan teknologi Augmentad Reality (Hand Drawing Detection). Anak-anak dapat menghidupkan gambar yang telah mereka buat bahkan mereka juga bisa menghidupkan media lain seperti clay, Block atau benda apapun yang ditaruh diatas buku

future entertainment 3d grifin

Neovox is a revolutionary Smart Voice AI product that has transformed the fields of Speech Synthesis (TTS) and Speech Recognition (SST). With its fast and accurate voice recognition capabilities and impressive speech synthesis, Neovox brings a natural and interactive speaking experience to various applications. Its key features include extensive customization, multidimensional applications, improved user experiences, and a commitment to continuous technological advancement, enabling seamless integration with various platforms and enhancing the way we interact with technology.

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kraken technology
Home Our Service Products Portofolio Contact
GoAR Global (PT. AR Indonesia) is a company
engaged in innovation technology,
especially augmented reality and virtual reality.

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